Sunday, December 30, 2007

I worry overmuch about escalators (yeah, right)

For those of you who think it's really cute when my anxiety gingerly guides me on and off the escalator... It's not just a depth perception issue - this is machinery and, just like any machinery, it can malfunction too.

If only they weren't so damn convenient. Kind of like freeways, huh?

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A haiku of equivocation*

*Inspired by a pedagogy workshop.

I hope this helps you.
Does this answer your question?
Yes and no. Maybe.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

When Old Tech Was New: Technical Support

For all of you technophobes out there, a gentle reminder at the jump:

If the embed doesn't work, try this link.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Another Reason Big Black Birds Totally Rock

Crows wield tools with human-like skill - life - 16 August 2007 - New Scientist

Bird brains. Ha!

Humans are freaked out over ravens and crows, not necessarily because of their traditional association with death, but because they're wicked smart - and smart birds scare some people. :-) Not that Alfred Hitchcock helped matters any, I suppose.

Sorry - I have a soft spot in my heart for these animals. They're fun to watch, especially when they mistake golf balls for eggs. If I ever make it to England, I mean to visit the ravens at the Tower of London. *sigh*

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Next up: The Official JGR Welcome-Abord Pinkbelly

Busch gives Joe Gibbs Racing powerful 3-car lineup - NASCAR - Yahoo! Sports

Wow, what a combination of personalities. Seems to me that the next order of business is for Tony Stewart and Denny Hamlin to pin young Rowdy down and give him a "welcome to the team" pinkbelly.

Seems only fitting.

Strangely, I think this combination is going to work out well. Not easily (LOL), but well.

Note to J.J.: Absolute best of luck to you, dude. You're going to go places... But whatever you do, don't, don't, sign with Wood Brothers, please. You saw that Boris Said couldn't finish higher than 14th with one of their cars at Watkins Glen on Sunday. Don't do it!

Otherwise... let the pinking begin.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Nice Toy, but Why "Make" Someone Hear if They Don't Want To?

Technology Review: Making Deaf Ears Hear with Light

While this isn't earth-shattering news in terms of technological advancement, as someone sympathetic to Deaf culture, and as someone who recognizes that language isn't merely an aural thing, I was really annoyed with this title.

This is perhaps one of the most troubling aspects of transhumanism and its embrace of human-"improving" technology - who gets the right to decide what, precisely, is a deficiency that needs to be corrected or improved in the human condition? Hearing people may think of "curing" deafness as a no-brainer, but members of Deaf culture in the U.S. and elsewhere don't see their not-hearing as a problem, simply another way of being in the world. IMHO, the #1 handicap that Deafies have to deal with is the "benevolence" of a bigoted and closed-minded hearing majority.

We have a lot more to gain by learning from, and cooperating with, a community that carries its culture in its hands than by plugging every last member in to the hifi and hoping for the best. It would be kind of nice if the PTB figure this out before we exterminate another culture.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Don't Be a Neologism-hater!

Some people just need to stop being "classical" English (as if) nazis.

OK, I'll admit, every day is a new adventure with Internet technology, and it takes a lot of cognitive power to keep up with the emergent jargon that comes along with it. It's one thing to deal with the anxiety - OK, a rant, a rave, a flame, maybe even taking it out on the poor machine... I can accept that.

It's quite another thing to troll for responses from technophobes for confirmation, however.

And a poll conducted by "British pollsters YouGov," at that, like that entity name isn't part of the problem.

Also, I'd really like to know the age distribution of the 2,091 adults surveyed. I'm willing to bet it's heavily skewed over 35, maybe even over 40. Tradition of Complaint, still alive and kicking. :-P

Personally, "godcast" had me ROTFLMAO.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fighting like Cats and Dogs

The kneading is the best part, tho. It reminds me of that Looney Toons where a bulldog adopts a kitten. Wait. I correct myself. It's a Merrie Melodies cartoon, but a classic all the same. :-)

Friday, June 15, 2007

What Baby Monitors Can't Do Nowadays

This is what happens when the FCC makes you comply with "Part 15 of the FCC rules." You know, the one that goes like this:

"Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation."

Well, um, duh.

But what I want to know is, where can I get one of these baby monitors? :-)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Something to Give Your Right Eye For: eye-fi

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Grocery Store as Gauntlet (file under I Told You So)

Isn't this interesting... it seems as though grocery retailers are finally recognizing that grocery stores aren't exactly a cake walk for all their customers.

Unsurprisingly (and a little sadly), the focus is exclusively gender-based, the implications being, men get lost, women don't. Which, of course, makes AD/HD-grrl feel a little bit more like a freak.

Still, in response to the guy mentioned in this article as on his way to "a nervous breakdown in the cereal aisle," I've got this: You think the cereal aisle is mind-boggling! Try the feminine hygeine products aisle. Setting aside the plethora of tampon choices... there's short pads, long pads, overnighters, wings, no wings, fragrance, no fragrance, baking soda, special liners, brief-friendly, thong-friendly. (And various permutations therof.)

The folks who make Always pads tried some kind of bizarre, arbitrary iconic identification system a few years back that I am personally grateful failed. Do I get the stars, the flowers, the sailboats, or the duckies? WTF? Imagine a woman in the throes of PMS, before a wall of plastic-covered product, shuddering short of tears. Those were moments I wondered whether the act of shopping for the rag wasn't actually causing the PMS.

I suppose I should be grateful. If the grocery store marketing mavens improve shopping for men, I suppose it should help me too. But in a world where the marketing campaign is so quickly confounded with the societal norm, it's a bittersweet victory.

Especially if, after all the other man-friendly changes, they don't do anything to streamline the feminine products aisle.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

As the World Worlds

This week in our Comp Lit class on the German philosophers, we're covering Heidegger's "Origin of the Work of Art."

There are moments when I feel guilty about all the studying I do, and I'm certain this contributes to my procrastination (yeah, I get housewife hangover after all these years). The only way I seem to be able to allay this anxiety is by showing Matt (el esposo) just what I have to deal with.

Reading random passages from Heidegger usually does the trick.

"Matt! Listen to this… Heidegger's talking about… here… the `thingly character of the thing, the equipmental character of equipment, and the workly character of the work.' But there's more. A little further on - this is even better - 'the world worlds.' You see what I have to put up with??"

Matt's eyes widen incredulously and he slowly shakes his head.

Am I grossly oversimplifying? Sure. Am I being dramatic? Of course.

Am I gloating? Hee-hee. Vindication!

I can now go back to my homework. A little less guilty about not doing the dishes at the moment. And eventually, a little less guilty about being behind on all the stuff I'm setting aside to attend to Heidegger's prose.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

How Much Worse It Would Be If There Were a Mouse Too

This has to be worth the replacement cost for the LCD. :-)