Thursday, June 21, 2007

Don't Be a Neologism-hater!

Some people just need to stop being "classical" English (as if) nazis.

OK, I'll admit, every day is a new adventure with Internet technology, and it takes a lot of cognitive power to keep up with the emergent jargon that comes along with it. It's one thing to deal with the anxiety - OK, a rant, a rave, a flame, maybe even taking it out on the poor machine... I can accept that.

It's quite another thing to troll for responses from technophobes for confirmation, however.

And a poll conducted by "British pollsters YouGov," at that, like that entity name isn't part of the problem.

Also, I'd really like to know the age distribution of the 2,091 adults surveyed. I'm willing to bet it's heavily skewed over 35, maybe even over 40. Tradition of Complaint, still alive and kicking. :-P

Personally, "godcast" had me ROTFLMAO.