Friday, May 09, 2008

A new calculator in which to crunch your meals... but for carbon impact

When it comes to the environment, I've discovered that food is a really, really fraught subject: foodways + individual psychologies + politics + those awful, terrible commercials with the barbecue sauce just dripping off the chicken (hang on, tummy, it's almost lunchtime) = the ultimate tinderbox. And the fires that so easily ignite are not good for the environment, people.

So bear with me. I'm not advocating all-or-nothing ascetic responses with this link. And the site itself is careful about acknowledging the limits of its calculator (see their FAQ) and the goal of mitigating "relative carbon impacts."

But, you know, if you're a militant meat-and-potatoes type (you know who you are)... if you're curious, turn on your anonymizer and click through. I won't tell. :-)

Eat Low Carbon Diet Calculator - Bon Appétit Management Company

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